Shrubs Show filters Hide filters (Fragrant) yes (1) Clear selection (Genus) Lavandula (1) Clear selection (Ground type) Chalky (1) Loamy (1) Sandy (1) Clear selection (Hardiness) H4 (1) Clear selection (PH) Acid (1) Alkaline (1) Neutral (1) Clear selection (Plant family name) Lamiaceae (1) Clear selection (Plant type) Perennials (1) Shrubs (1) Clear selection (Pot Size) 2L (1) Clear selection (Soil) Well-drained (1) Clear selection (Spines) no (1) Clear selection (Sunlight) full sun (1) Clear selection (Toxic) no (1) Clear selection (Brand) Allensmore (56) Bransford Webb (170) Darby Nurseries (300) Heinje (172) Johnsons of Whixley (140) MPC (6) Osbertons (17) Pinetops (2) ProfitPlant (24) Stervinou (28) The Plant Team (50) Wyevale Nurseries (105) Clear selection £ - Clear selection 1 - 60 of 1381 productsItems per page1224364860AllSort byName ascendingName descendingPrice ascendingPrice descendingOffersPopularity 123456 24 Next Griselinia Littoralis 7.5 Litre £ 50.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Calycanthus Aphrodite 3 litre £ 40.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Camellia Debbie 4 litre £ 30.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Camellia Ruby Wedding 4 litre £ 30.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Pyracantha Saphyr Orange 100-125cm 10 litre £ 60.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Pyracantha Orange Glow Trellis 7.5 Litre £ 65.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Pittosporum Tenuifolium Arundel Green 3 litre £ 20.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Hibiscus Blue Bird Std 10 Litre £ 85.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Hebe Purple Pixie 2 Litre £ 12.50WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Pittosporum Tom Thumb 3 litre £ 20.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Photinia Red Robin 3 Litre £ 17.50WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Cotoneaster Horizontalis Variegata 3 litre £ 15.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Pieris japonica Passion 6 litre £ 40.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Sarcococca Confusa 3 litre £ 17.50WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Camellia Golden Anniversary 4 litre £ 30.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Choisya Ternata 3 litre £ 17.50WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Camellia sasanqua Terres Australes 20 Litre £ 125.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Rosemary Miss Jessop's Patio Pot 7 Litre £ 40.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Pyracantha Saphyr Rouge 100-125cm 10 litre £ 60.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Rhamnus frangula Fine Line 4.6 litre £ 45.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Hamamelis Orange Beauty 3 litre £ 40.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Pieris japonica Mountain Fire 6 Litre £ 40.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Holly Blue Maid Standard 20 Litre £ 100.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Berberis Thunbergii Fireball 3 litre £ 17.50WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Escallonia Pink Elle 3 litre £ 15.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Hebe Jewel of the Nile 2 litre £ 12.50WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Berberis Thunbergii Admiration 3 litre £ 17.50WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Hydrangea Paniculata Vanille Fraise 4 Litre £ 35.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Edgeworthia chrysantha Grandiflora 5 Litre £ 45.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Photinia Little Red Devil Patio Pot 7.5 Litre £ 50.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Hibiscus Hamabo Std 10 Litre £ 85.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Camellia Dr King 4 litre £ 30.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Hebe franciscana Variegata 3 Litre £ 12.50WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Cercis Canadensis Eternal Flame 6 Litre £ 100.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Photinia Fraseri Pink Marble 3 litre £ 17.50WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Camellia Spring Festival 4 litre £ 30.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Philadelphus Little White Love 6 Litre £ 40.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Elaeagnus Ebbingei 4 litre £ 17.50WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Aucuba Japonica Golden King 3 litre £ 20.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Rosemary Miss Jessop's 3 Litre £ 15.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Euonymus alatus 4.6 litre £ 35.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Mahonia Media Winter Sun 3 litre £ 20.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Cotinus Royal Purple 3 litre £ 20.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Rhus typhina Tiger Eyes 7.5 litre £ 60.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Vinca Minor Bowles 3 litre £ 15.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Camellia Silver Anniversary 4 litre £ 30.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Pittosporum Golf Ball 2 litre £ 20.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Senecio Angel Wings 3 litre £ 15.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Pittosporum Elizabeth 3 Litre £ 20.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Camellia sasanqua Yuletide 12 Litre £ 85.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Corylopsis pauciflora 3.4 Litre £ 30.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Fatsia japonica Specimen 14 Litre £ 85.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Fatsia japonica Camouflage 3 Litre £ 25.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Camellia Anticipation 4 litre £ 30.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Hamamelis Mollis 3 litre £ 40.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Camellia Swan Lake 4 litre £ 30.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Cornus Kousa China Girl 3 Litre £ 40.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Camellia Brushfield's Yellow 4 litre £ 30.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Camellia Les Jury 4 litre £ 30.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Rosemary Fox Tail 3 litre £ 15.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket 123456 24 Next